Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. Priority axis 1 "Innovative and competitive economy" Measure 1.5. "Strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises" Sub-measure 1.5.2. "Strengthening the competitiveness of key areas of the region's economy" Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020.
The aim of the project is to improve the competitiveness of the PIOTR WEBER INTERPLAST enterprise by purchasing an innovative line for metallization of plastic packaging elements by hot stamping. The development of the company requires an extension of the offer and improvement of products, which will be possible only thanks to the expansion of the existing machine park. Thanks to the new technological line, it will be possible to: provide a new, innovative hot stamping service for external entities and introduce new packaging to the offer to demanding customers.
Total value of the project: PLN 1 073 175.00
Project co-financing from the EU: PLN 305,375